
Grade 5 - How We Organize Ourselves - Sensational Clickbait

For our UOI class, Grade 5 dug into how articles on the internet latch onto your attention via the ‘curiosity gap’. We learned that ‘clickbait’ is a deliberate exploitation of this phenomenon to trick you into clicking a link on a webpage.

We also learned that a lot of images on the internet are altered in some way to make them either more attractive, to deceive you, or just for the fun of it.

Students cut out pictures from a magazine the create a new altered image and attached a sensational headline to it. Unbelievable projects. You’ll never believe how they did it!

Grade 3 Who We Are - Cultures around the world tell the same basic stories in different ways

As part of our Grade 3 Who We Are unit, we studied our theme of “Cultures around the world tell the same basic stories in different ways.”

Students studied the five basic elements of a story – characters, setting, plot, conflict and resolution.

Students were assigned a specific book and worked together in groups as they identified the elements. They also used their creativity to draw pictures representing the book they read. Furthermore, students gave a presentation on their “retelling hand” poster in front of the class. Everyone gave their best effort as they were tasked to give eye contact while speaking loudly and clearly for everyone to hear. Wonderful job Grade 3s!

Catapults - understanding levers and simple machines - Grade 2 How We Organize Ourselves

Within our Grade 2 How We Organize Ourselves unit on simple machines, students are investigating how catapults use levers to throw objects.  Students worked in groups to make their own catapults and then experimented with using them to throw small objects.  Students were completed engaged in the activity and loved measuring how far their catapult could project different things.


UN SDGs & Renewable Energy Models - Grade 3

Grade 3 students are studying UN SGDs as a way to help the planet.  Within this, we are investigating ways in which renewable sources of energy are important as sustainable ways to help the planet as we combat climate change.  Working in groups, students made models of six different kinds of renewable energy sources: 1. Hydro Power Dam 2. Wind Turbine 3. Solar Energy Panels 4. Geothermal Energy Source (Volcano)  5. Wave and Tidal Energy 6. Biomass Energy

パラリンピックの目指すもの - Grade 3











Polar bears and climate change - Grade 1

Polar bears are powerful predators that are struggling in these times of climate change. G1 students learned during the How the World Works unit that living things depend on nonliving things for their survival. Polar bears need sea ice for hunting, resting after swimming, and as a location for mother bears to raise their young. Rising temperatures are causing the melting of the sea ice they so desperately depend on. Students examined this through an activity using polar bears handmade from paper clay, containers filled with broken pieces of ice, and a hair dryer to act as the warming air.


UN SDG comics - Grade 3

Comic Strip SDGs – Right now, Grade 3 students are creating comic strips as we learn about UN SDGs. Student chose which SDG to base their comic on, and then planned and created their comics. Students did a wonderful job of engaging with the material and displaying an understanding of how the SDGs are intended to be a way for people to help the Earth.


Sign language and non-verbal communication - Grade 1

As part of our Grade 1 How We Express Ourselves, we are investigating sign language and non-verbal communication.  Students learned to sign their own name in American Sign Language and now we are studying braille.  Next, we will move on to an investigation of how humans use gestures to help themselves communicate.

Electrical Circuits - How the World Works Grade 4

As part of our Grade 4 How the World Works unit, students are investigating the concepts that energy and waves are all around us.  Within that inquiry, students are studying about and learning to make serial and parallel electrical circuits.

Grade 3 PE - Handstands!

In PE, Grade 3 students are working Developing upper body strength and coordination. Students are working on handstands, they’re getting better and better as their upper bodies get stronger.