On Friday, 9/25/2020, Grade 3 students presented their original stories in front of their parents.
These stories were made entirely by the students themselves within the KIS IB unit of inquiry “Who We Are” (私たちは誰なのか). The theme of this unit is Cultures around the world tell the same basic stories in different ways (世界中の文化は、同じ物語を独特に伝承する)
Within this unit, students investigated the ways in which stories are similar regardless of which culture they are from. Students studied folktales from Japan and Africa, as well as stories from America and Ireland. They then studied ghost stories from China and Russia. Based on what they learned during their inquiries, students then wrote their own stories, which they presented in front of their parents. All students worked hard polishing their presentations and overcoming the natural pressure that comes with presenting in front of a group.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/usbdD-y5IhQ