熊本インターナショナルスクール(KIS)が正式に国際バカロレアディプロマプログラム(IB DP)の認定を受けたことをお知らせいたします!
IB DPは、国内外のトップ大学への道を開く「グローバルパスポート」として機能し、高等教育で成功するために必要なスキルを生徒に提供します。批判的思考の育成、独立した研究の推進、そして全体的な学びのアプローチを重視することで、IB DPは生徒が学問的に準備が整うだけでなく、グローバルな視点を持ち、相互に結びついた世界で有意義に貢献できるようにします。KISでは、この名誉あるプログラムを提供できることを誇りに思い、生徒がその可能性を最大限に引き出し、生涯学び続けることを支援します。
KISでは、初のDPコホートが4月に開始され、Grade 10の生徒がGrade 11へ進級することで、この画期的な教育プログラムが始まります。
IB DPがKISの教育体験にどのように影響を与えるかについて、今後の更新をお楽しみにしてください。生徒と学校の明るい未来に乾杯!

KIS is now accredited for the IB DP!
We are thrilled to announce that Kumamoto International School has officially received accreditation for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP)!
This marks a significant milestone in our journey as an international school, underscoring our commitment to providing world-class education to our students. The IB DP is renowned for its rigorous academic framework, emphasis on critical thinking, and its ability to prepare students for success in a globalized world.
The IB DP serves as a global passport to university, unlocking opportunities at top institutions both in Japan and abroad while equipping students with the essential skills to excel in higher education. By nurturing critical thinking, fostering independent research, and promoting a holistic approach to learning, the IB DP ensures that students are not only academically prepared but also globally minded and ready to contribute meaningfully in an interconnected world. At KIS, we are proud to offer this prestigious program, empowering our students to realize their full potential and embrace lifelong learning.
We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated teachers, staff, students, and parents, as well as the wider KIS community, for their support in helping KIS get to this point. Your trust and collaboration have been instrumental in making this achievement possible.
Our inaugural DP cohort is set to commence in April as our Grade 10 students transition to Grade 11, ushering in the beginning of this transformative academic experience at KIS.
Stay tuned for more updates on how the IB DP will shape the educational experience at KIS. Here’s to a bright future for our students and our school!