2年生の「私たちは自分たちをどう組織しているのか」(How We Organize Ourselves)単元では、単純機械について学びながら、カタパルトがてこの原理を使って物を飛ばす仕組みを調べました。この実践的な学習では、理論的な概念と現実世界の応用を楽しく結びつけることができました。
Exploring Simple Machines: Catapult Creations in Action (Grade 2)
In our Grade 2 How We Organize Ourselves unit focused on simple machines, students have been investigating how catapults use levers to launch objects. This hands-on exploration allowed students to connect theoretical concepts with real-world applications in a fun and engaging way.
Working collaboratively in groups, students designed and built their own catapults. Once their creations were ready, they put them to the test, experimenting with how far their catapults could project small objects. Measuring the distances and comparing results brought an added layer of excitement and critical thinking to the activity, as students analyzed the factors that influenced the outcomes.
The energy and enthusiasm were contagious as students discovered the mechanics behind levers and how they amplify force. This interactive approach to learning not only deepened their understanding of simple machines but also sparked curiosity and teamwork.