


「How We Organize Ourselves(私たちは自分たちをどう組織しているのか)」ユニットでは、社会が円滑に機能するために必要な機関の重要性と、その役割について学んでいます。この学びの中で、生徒たちは、地域社会のために複数の機関やサービスを提供するコミュニティをデザインしました。各機関は地域政府によって提供され、市民のニーズを支える役割を果たしています。


Creating a community that has different institutions – Grade 3
In this How We Organize Ourselves unit, we have been learning about the importance of institutions and why people need them in order for society to run smoothly. Here, students have designed a community where they created several institutions and services that the local government provides and how it benefits the needs of their citizens. Furthermore, students thought of different rules and laws that would help make their community safe and protected.