In our first Grade 2 TDL theme, “Role Models”, we studied about how our choice of role models and their good and bad traits mould our character.
During the theme, students really enjoyed analysing the traits displayed by different characters in the stories and videos we studied in class. We also reviewed what we learned with games and quizzes, and as our study progressed, students were able to look back on old content with a new perspective and with some more precise vocabulary.
As the final part of our study, students worked together in small groups to plan and perform a skit about personality traits in front of the class. Most groups decided to depict signs of the positive trait “devotion” in their performance. All students really put in a big effort preparing props and presenting in a professional manner.
This was an interesting theme for the students because they can take what they’ve learned and apply it in their own lives in their relationships with their family and friends.