


3年生の「私たちは誰なのか」(Who We Are)単元では、「世界中の文化が同じ基本的な物語を異なる方法で語っている」*というテーマに取り組みました。この単元では、普遍的な物語のテーマや構造が、文化や視点を超えて人々をどのように結びつけるのかを深く考える機会となりました。





Exploring Universal Stories: Cultures and Creativity in Action (Grade 3)

As part of our Grade 3 Who We Are unit, we explored the theme, “Cultures around the world tell the same basic stories in different ways.” This unit encouraged students to think deeply about how universal themes and story structures connect people across different cultures and perspectives.

We began by studying the five fundamental elements of a story—characters, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution. Through discussions and activities, students analyzed how these elements work together to create compelling narratives that resonate universally, no matter where the stories come from.

Each student was assigned a specific book and collaborated in groups to identify and analyze the story elements. They engaged their creativity by drawing colorful illustrations that represented key moments and ideas from their assigned books. This hands-on activity allowed students to visually express their understanding of the stories in a way that was both analytical and artistic.

To showcase their learning, students created “retelling hand” posters, a creative tool that helped them organize their thoughts and summarize the story effectively. They then presented their work to the class, practicing essential public speaking skills such as projecting their voices and speaking clearly. This exercise not only reinforced their understanding of storytelling but also boosted their confidence in presenting their ideas to an audience.

The Grade 3 students gave it their all, and their hard work and enthusiasm shone through in every presentation. Their efforts demonstrated a strong understanding of the universal aspects of storytelling while celebrating the unique ways cultures bring these stories to life. Amazing job, Grade 3s!