  >     >   2018年6月

顕微鏡の植物観察 Part 2

Today, all students got to work in small groups with the microscopes and their Chromebooks. Instead of projecting the images onto the electronic whiteboard as we did on Friday, we worked directly on the students’s devices.
Students still need practice focusing the images of the objects they are looking at, but all students were very excited about getting hands on with the microscopes. Using the plants that they collected on Friday, students took numerous pictures of leaves and roots.


Continuing our study of plants, students viewed images of plants they found around the school magnified 300x via our USB microscopes.
We projected the images on to the electronic whiteboard, and all students were amazed to discover that the plant roots and leaves were covered in small hairs.
After this lesson, many students ran outside during the break to collect more and different types of plants. On Monday, we are going break up into small groups, working two to three students to a microscope, and study these other plants that students found.

図画工作 - Landscape Drawings

Students have been working on landscape drawings with trees and crayons.
As part of our study of art, Ms. D’Alicandro discussed the idea that each artist is unique and that students should not try to copy each other. Instead, students are encouraged to create their own unique art based on the principles that we are studying in each unit.

熊本インターナショナルスクール 開校記念シンポジウムのお知らせ:7/22(日)








2018.7.22 Event Flier Final


Students have been practicing for our sports festival later this month. The dance is an original choreography set to the song Aloha e komo mai.
Although we still have a ways to go in terms of timing, the dance is shaping up nicely. Three weeks and counting!