パラリンピックの目指すもの - Grade 3
Polar bears and climate change - Grade 1
- /1年生
Polar bears are powerful predators that are struggling in these times of climate change. G1 students learned during the How the World Works unit that living things depend on nonliving things for their survival. Polar bears need sea ice for hunting, resting after swimming, and as a location for mother bears to raise their young. Rising temperatures are causing the melting of the sea ice they so desperately depend on. Students examined this through an activity using polar bears handmade from paper clay, containers filled with broken pieces of ice, and a hair dryer to act as the warming air.
UN SDG comics - Grade 3
- /3年生
Comic Strip SDGs – Right now, Grade 3 students are creating comic strips as we learn about UN SDGs. Student chose which SDG to base their comic on, and then planned and created their comics. Students did a wonderful job of engaging with the material and displaying an understanding of how the SDGs are intended to be a way for people to help the Earth.
Sign language and non-verbal communication - Grade 1
- /1年生
As part of our Grade 1 How We Express Ourselves, we are investigating sign language and non-verbal communication. Students learned to sign their own name in American Sign Language and now we are studying braille. Next, we will move on to an investigation of how humans use gestures to help themselves communicate.
Electrical Circuits - How the World Works Grade 4
- /4年生
As part of our Grade 4 How the World Works unit, students are investigating the concepts that energy and waves are all around us. Within that inquiry, students are studying about and learning to make serial and parallel electrical circuits.
Grade 3 PE - Handstands!
- /3年生
In PE, Grade 3 students are working Developing upper body strength and coordination. Students are working on handstands, they’re getting better and better as their upper bodies get stronger.
Grade 2 - How has housing, communications and transportation changed since the Stone Age?
- /2年生
In November, within our Grade 2 unit, Where We Are in Place and Time, students studied how housing, communications and transportation has changed over human history. Students began by investigating the Stone Age, and ended by studying the present day. As a final activity, students worked in groups to create timelines of the changes that have taken place in these three areas over the past 12,000 years.
- /1年生
- /4年生
Plastic fabrication - Grade 4 Where We Are in Place and Time
- /4年生
We studied about plastic fabrication in this unit, and as a demonstration of how new substances are made in a lab – we created Prussian Blue! Students now understand that matter is never lost and instead turns into new compounds under the right conditions. Following this experiment, we did a couple of other reactions such as making carbon dioxide. We also made sure to talk about safety and stay protected by wearing gloves and goggles when mixing chemicals.