  >     >   1年生

12/13/18 - Field Trip : Contemporary Art Museum

Today, KIS students went on a field trip to the Contemporary Art Museum in downtown Kumamoto as part of our TDL theme on different media.  Students viewed the exhibit いろんなじじょう which explores the connection between colors and emotions, which is one of the central themes of our current inquiry.  Additionally, students got a behind-the-scenes view of the inner workings of the art museum when they were given a tour by the staff; students learned about where and how works of art in the museum’s care are stored.  Before returning to KIS, students and teachers enjoyed lunch in the Tsuruya department store.  All students had a great time learning about art and further drawing connections between various media.



TDL 活動 「公園清掃」

As a wrap up of our third Transdisciplinary Learning theme How to Care for Our Environment, students lent a hand to help clean their local park. Having learned about the causes and effects of different types of pollution, as well as the 3 R’s (recycling, reusing, and reducing), students now understand that their actions can have a positive effect on their environment. Armed with bags labeled by recycling category, students put into action what they had learned in class and made their park a beautiful, clean place for everyone to enjoy.


“Minions, witches, and pirates oh my!” The students of KIS celebrated a spooky Halloween dressed up as some of their favorite characters and monsters. Students made eco-friendly halloween decorations by reusing toilet empty paper rolls. Afterwards they learned some “tricks” in order to earn their “treats.” Finally, students enjoyed listening to some ghoul-approved music, while getting their faces painted by the resident skeleton artist. The fun continued as students walked to Hearth Club proudly wearing their halloween costumes. Happy Halloween!

Kumamoto Water Science Museum field trip

On Thursday, October 25th, we went to visit the Water Science Museum of Kumamoto. After riding on public buses and trains, we made it to the museum, where the staff welcomed us warmly to show us the amazing work that they do. 

The field trip was an extension of our transdisciplinary learning theme about caring for the environment.  Students learned how water makes it from beneath the ground to our taps, as well as how water is purified.

The staff at the museum generously allowed the students to walk around freely in the experiment room and try out many educational games.  The were also able to observe and listen to fun interactive lectures.

After leaving the museum, we went looking for plants and animals to write about and draw in the big park outside the center. The children had fun looking for birds, fish, acorns and bugs in the beautiful pond and garden, and writing their thoughts and observations on their worksheets.

We were very proud of how the kids behaved, and how they were able to safely have fun and learn new things!








熊本インターナショナルスクール開校記念シンポジウム サマリー


理科 - 水槽設置・オタマジャクシ飼育

Today, as part of our continued study of living things, we put 12 tadpoles in our aquarium.  We used a net to move the tadpoles from a bucket into the tank, and each student moved one tadpole.  After that, the students fed them.  The tank has been placed in a way to allow students to observe the tank from inside or outside the classroom, and students were fascinated by the small amphibians.

After the tadpoles change into frogs, we will release them back out into the wild.

Next week, we will be going to Lake Ezu to try to catch more fish and shrimp to put in the aquarium.


This video is an interview with Matthew Ohm, principal of Kumamoto International School in which he discusses KIS`s educational philosophy and future.


As part of our transdisciplinary learning theme investigating growing healthy foods, students planted lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots.  Each day, the helpers water the vegetables to ensure that they are properly looked after.  So far, the tomatoes have sprouted.

After the vegetables have grown and are harvested, students are planning on making a salad for the entire class.