  >     >   1年生

探求学習 - Inquiry Based Learning - Preparing to plant our carrots, lettuce, and tomatoes

As a continuation of our study of how we create healthy bodies, students are preparing to plant their own healthy foods – the class decided on carrots, lettuce, and cherry tomatoes.

In preparation for the planting, we read stories about how to grow vegetables.

健康診断 - Student Physicals

The doctors came to KIS today to check all students heath. Students seemed to enjoy the experience, as did the doctors. Before they left, the doctors commented on how energetic all KIS students are.

IT環境 - Technology in the KIS classroom

Each KIS student has his or her own Chromebook which we use for daily English and math assignments.

This allows us to customize each students’s learning environment to maximize progress and enjoyment.

So far, KIS students have read and listened to over 500 books with their devices!


探求学習の発表- Healthy Food & Healthy Bodies

We are continuing our study of how we create healthy bodies.

Students are coming to understand more about how the choices we make about food affect our health and well-being. They are also understanding more about how many foods that contain oil, salt, and sugar are not healthy when consumed in large quantities.

Today, students presented and explained pictures they drew about some of the healthy foods they eat at home in front of the class.


Today、we had our first music and shosha classes, as well as PE in the park.

The music teacher, Horiguchi Sensei, taught students the correct way to handle a melodion and had students practice singing チュリップ while she played the piano. Students then joined in with their own melodion playing, as well.

探求学習 - 健康的な食べ物

As part of our study of how we create healthy bodies, we are studying about what foods are healthy and unhealthy. Today, students made collages of their own idea of a healthy breakfast.

A core element of our instructional methodology is that students have the opportunity to revise their ideas as they learn more. This process is a central part of the KIS learning philosophy – students need to be free to form their own ideas without having a teacher immediately tell them that they are right or wrong.


Today we had our first PE, led by Yamada Sensei from YMCA. All students had a great time in the hall running, skipping and rolling. On Friday, we’ll be doing PE outside, weather permitting.

We also studied English, math, science, and of course, 国語!


Today, we did both math and science. In math, we began our study of numbers up to ten and different ways to represent them with chips and blocks on a ten-frame. In science, we began our study of living things and what they need to survive.



It was a beautiful day for a picnic, and all students and teachers had a great time on our welcome picnic today. We played games and had fun picking flowers. Of course, nothing beats obento!



Today is the first day at KIS!  Teachers and students are spending the day getting oriented and introducing themselves, as well as using the electronic whiteboard.